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Clipping geodataframe points by raster extent in Python
Thanks to the kind souls who answered my previous question here: Faster methods to create geodataframe from a Dask or Pandas dataframe, I have successfully imported my massive block model a...
William Taylor
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Answers: 1
Mask raster by extent in Python using rasterio
I want to clip one raster based on the extent of another (smaller) raster. First I determine the coordinates of the corners of the smaller raster using
import rasterio as rio
import gdal
from shapely....
justin fiedler
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Answers: 1
Python Mock an object's (rasterio.DatasetWriter) writing behaviour
I have a mock DatasetWriter object and a function to write an array into the object.
def write_dataset(dataset: DatasetWriter, image: np.ndarray):
Now, I want to write a unit...
Lion Lai
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Answers: 0
accessing geospatial raster data with limited memory
I am following the Rasterio documentation to access the geospatial raster data downloaded from here -- a large tiff image. Unfortunately, I do not have enough memory so numpy throws an ArrayMemoryErro...
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Answers: 0