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Create a dictionary with multiple keys and store multiple values to it
I have a grid that has x and y coordinates. Now for each grid point I would like to assign multiple values(everything works in loop)
Suppose coordinates of x vary from 0 to 10 and y from 0 to 10(Incre...
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Answers: 1
cannot make text rtl with python-docx
yes i know many questions about this issue exists but i couldn't make any of them work.
i have python 3.7 and python-docx 0.8.11.
i have tried many solutions including this one
from docx import Docume...
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Answers: 1
How to check if each <book> element has a specific subchild in xml file
I want to validate my XML file to check if every <book> element has a sub-child of <target> and throw error if any is missing.
My XML looks like this:
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names...
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Answers: 1
Tensorflow - ImportError: SystemError: <built-in method __contains__ of dict object at 0x00000244B47ADDB8> returned a result with an error set
I am taking this error, My versions like below;
Python Version 3.7
Tensorflow Version 2.8.0
File "C:\Users\ABC1\Anaconda3\envs\DevArea3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\",...
Mustafa Yılmaz
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Answers: 2