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Ambiguity problem in the detection of the ArUco marker when it is parallel to the camera plane
I am developing a vision system based on ArUco visual markers. The ArUco library used is cv2.aruco.DICT_7X7_50 and the marker I have used is 2 cm on each side.
I have made the calibration using a 3.6 ...
Daniel Bilbao Moreno
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Answers: 0
Full integer post training quantization in neural network regression model
I have trained a Resnet neural network having four fully connected layers and an output of 44 neurons. I want to run it on a TPU and I quantize using the post training quantization in 8bits.
Marcos Lupión Lorente
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Answers: 0
ArUco Markers, pose estimatimation- Exactly for which point the traslation and rotation is given?
I Detected the ArUco marker and estimated the pose. See the image below. However, Xt (X translation) I get is a positive value. According to the drawAxis function, the positive direction is away from...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
ArUco markers, why does the pose change when I change image resolution?
I use this reference to estimate pose of a marker.
When I obtain cam matrix and distortion matrix I used the full ca...
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Answers: 1