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2SLS standard errors with ivreg and plm in R
Could someone please confirm whether ivreg is calculating correct 2SLS standard errors by default or do I still have to manually correct them? I have an instrumental variable Z1 in my regression.
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Answers: 1
Region-Year Fixed Effects for Individual Unit of analysis R with PLM function
I am running a fixed effects regression in R where the unit of analysis is the individual respondent. I want to implement region and Year fixed effects for the regression. I have used the within estim...
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Answers: 1
Cannot load plm package after installing it?
Hello, could someone help me with this? I install the plm package, however, when I try to load it R gives me an error:
Error in library(plm) : there is no package called ‘plm’&q...
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Answers: 1
Access theta from random effect model in plm()
I am running a random effects model and would like to take the theta object (the quasi-demeaned variance) and store it to an object. Looking around, it is not clear what this is stored as in a plm() o...
Damon C. Roberts
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Answers: 1