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How to integrate CPPCheck in MPLABX 6.0 or netbeans?
Microchip added a MISRA check function in MPLABX 5.45 which is just plugin for the free CPPCheck and for me it works pretty well. In the further versions of MPLAPX the MISRA check was gone.
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Answers: 0
build error "make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2"
I have this simple code for an initial project that my microcontrollersteacher asked.
Im using MPLAB IDE V6.00, the xc8 compiler.
But when i try to clean and build it this error in red collor code app...
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Answers: 1
Call of function without prototype error message with Delay1TCYx (1) ( C language )
We have a project that were running using C and a PICkit 3. Our issu is that we remain getting the same error message and arent sure whta the issue is. Any help / advice would be great.
void main (voi...
Charles Taylour
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Answers: 0
PIC16F877 display the result of ADC on LEDs with C language using MPLAB
I used PIC16F877 and my purpose is to choose CHANNEL 4 to display the analogue input AN4 value on PortD leds. The approximate value is about 1V. I wrote a code and however, no matter how I ran my code...
ke zhang
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Answers: 1