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Force bars/rows in stacked bar chart (ggplot showing percent, zero decimal places) to be of same lenght?
I am new to R and I need to create a stacked bar chart which shows percent within bars (stacks) and goes from 0 to 100 percent. I have over 7000 rows and 12 vectors that range from value 1 trough 5 (t...
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Answers: 1
How to divide COUNT(CASE ) by COUNT()
I am trying to calculate a % by doing the following
WHEN col1 > 0
THEN my_id
ELSE null
END)/COUNT(my_id))*100 AS my_percent
The column, my_percent, which is output is a col...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
MySQL group by percent with where clause
i have a table Products
with following fields and values:
ID | Productname | Productprice | Supplier | Available |
| 1 | Tshirt | 20 ...
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Answers: 2
Tableau Subcategory percentage calculation
I have a dataset on demography of the people and their claim amount. In the attached image, i am trying to calculate percentage difference between old and new claim for a particular car type (here, mi...
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Answers: 1