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Pandas-datareader not able to pull from yahoo finance- unable to read url with response text in error saying "our engineers are working on it"
I was just working on a simple project trying to pull stock data from yahoo finance using pandas-datareader and the code send back an error which I will post below:
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How do I get all the players from a particular team from this dataset
| Name | Team |
| a |Team A|
| b |Team A|
| c |Team B|
| d |Team C|
| e |Team C|
I simply want to get all the players from a particular team of my choice. Say I want all the details of...
Walnut street
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Can't extract index list from yahoo finance
I'm trying to extract data from yahoo finance indices, but for some reason when I create a list of indices and try to extract it gives an error, but when I extract individually there is no error.
Henrique Barros
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
My code broke with ValueError: Index contains duplicate entries, cannot reshape when using yaho data reader
The code worked just fine but now it gives me this error after these lines:
end =
start = - 3, end.month,
prices = reader.get_data_yahoo(tickers,start,end)[...
Julia Green
Votes: 0
Answers: 2