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Delete the first file in a folder if the length of a folder is more than the limit
First I created a folder that contains Images named as 1.jpg till 20.jpg
Now I want to loop through this folder and add all these images into a list/array.
I keep checking the length of this array/li...
zeke wonder
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Python setting a extra "/" or "\" to os.join for file path without doing a +
I have a some code to code to a file path, take that as the executable point aka CD command in shell and then execute the command for that directory part.
Normally, I use OS.PATH.JOIN to create file p...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Why slash in dictionary have a wrong amount?
import os
print({1: os.path.abspath("test1/test")})
{1: 'D:\ZTK\autotest\Learn\test1\test'}
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Why can’t the concatenated variable 'new_path' work but the whole string 'full_path' can
I tried to figure out whether some images stored by the name in a text file exists in a specific image folder.
The text file looks like this (including 1k lines) :
toY Q
Votes: 0
Answers: 1