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Python Pandas csv files to Excel worksheets - Cleanup
I want to take multiple .csv files and convert them to Excel worksheets in one workbook, specifically using Pandas.
I finally got this to work, but I know the code itself is of poorly written.
Any sug...
Jason Yuill
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Answers: 0
Can OpenPyxl create custom workbook views?
Long intro to my question...
While trying to automate my creation of an Excel spreadsheet to track student marks (don't like any of the mark tracking tools available to me) I created a Python program ...
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Answers: 0
How to set ws.title to today's date with openpyxl
I am pulling a list from a sharepoint site using shareplum. The output is saved locally in an excel file. There is only one sheet created. I need to set the name of the worksheet to the date user will...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Python how to loop through this excel data and push it into another workbook?
I am currently trying to write a script that will loop through the 'members' column (see image workbook A) and copy the rows into another work book. For example 'A2 L0 - A2 L4' the corresponding rows ...
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Answers: 1