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3D integral in Python from a discrete set of points?
I am looking to calculate an integral in 3D with a function with pre-defined values on an irregular grid.
In particular, my grid coords and the values at these points combined is of the shape
< ...
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Answers: 2
Having trouble solving Population balance PDE in FiPy
I am a beginner in using FiPy and also in working with Finite Volume Methods in general. So please forgive me if my questions are naïve
I am trying to solve a population balance equation of the form
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Answers: 1
Make a model in Python using the Forward Euler scheme (FTCS)
Solve the 1-dimensional advection equation ∂θ/dt = -c dθ/dx by using centered differences in space and forward differences in time. Apply a periodic boundary condition θ^(n) (J) = θ^(n) (0). J = 100 a...
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Answers: 1
Creating a structured non-rectangular mesh in python
I am trying to model the temperature distribution in a rocket nozzle, I am doing this with the heat equation solved using finite difference method. In order to apply this method I need my mesh to fit ...
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Answers: 0