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How to make NSAttributedString link clickable
I have a requirement to display the numbers as clickable link from a string input(contains alphabets and numerals) and on tap of that number it should open an iOS call dialler and should dials that nu...
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Answers: 1
How check if output of bash script contains a certain string in Objective-C?
I would like to do something if the output of a shell script contains the string "Caddy 2 serving static files on :2015". This is what I have so far but the beach ball is just spinning. It s...
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Answers: 0
Swift Convert Int to String.Index with and without Emojis to get part of String
I am trying to send a string to an API, which corrects me the text. But the problem is, that text with emoji fails.
I have the following string: "Hello hwo are you?"
Then I send this string ...
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Answers: 0
Problem in strong tag when Parsing Html in swift 5
Hi i have a problem when im parsing a Html to NSAtributtedString in a UILabel.
The problem is in the strong text, the result is too bold (I guess when parsing the font is changed to "GibsonBold&q...
Sofia Condomi
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Answers: 1