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How to specify contrasts in lme to test hypotheses with interactions
I have a generalized mixed model that has 2 factors (fac1 (2 levels), fac2 (3 levels)) and 4 continuous variables (x1,x2,x3,x4) as fixed effects and a continuous response. I am interested in answering...
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Answers: 1
how to apply lme function to each column of dataframe?
I'm using the lme function from the nlme package and having a hard time trying to apply it to each column of my tibble. I can successfully run it 'manually' with a single column, but fail when trying ...
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Answers: 2
R : regression line interrupted in ggplot while a continuous line is expected
I created a multilevel regression model with nlme package and now I would like to illustrate the regression line obtained for some patients (unfortunately I cannot use geom_smooth with nlme).
So using...
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Answers: 1
GLS / GLM nested design with autocorrelation over time
Still fairly new to GLM and a bit confused about how to establish my model.
About my project:
I sampled the microbiome (and measured a diversity index value = Shannon) from the root system of a sample...
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Answers: 1