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Angular custom error handler and ngrx causing infinite loop
In an Angular app, I implemented a custom error handler which shows an alert (Angular Material snackbar) and dispatches a ngrx action to hide a loading spinner.
Here is an error handler:
export class ...
Mykyta Y.
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Answers: 1
How can I include side navbar when ngx-spinner is running? It only runs on the component where I put it
```<div><ngx-spinner bdColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" size = "medium" color = "#fff" type = "ball-spin" [fullScreen]="true"><p style=&quo...
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Answers: 1
Auto Hide Angular Ngx Spinner if API Throws Error
I am using Metronic (Angular) theme. I write before calling API. After the API code, I write spinner.hide(). But if an error message is returned from the API service, the error popup st...
Türk Yazılımcı
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Answers: 1
How to stop loading spinner in angular 11
I have added loading spinner in my app. and I want to stop it when PDF is display. I have added code to stop loading but it's not workable. how to solve this issue.
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Answers: 1