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AngularJS ng-class updating content
I've got some code in AngularJS here working half percent (I will explain) :
<button ng-class="{'svgMinus-dark': isDarkTheme, 'svgMinus': !isDarkTheme}"></button>
I also tried a...
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Answers: 1
Angular ngClass conditional class working correctly but app fails on build
I want to add an "active" class when I click on a certain tab using the pug code
a.nav-link([]="view === 'profile'", (click)="changeView('profile')") Profile
Tim Chosen
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Answers: 0
Angular 13: ngClass not working after ng build
I have a little problem with the mat table especially with the mat row.
What i want to do: Add class "is-marked" if the row has an date.
<mat-row []=" &&am...
Manuel K.
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Answers: 0
Assigning background-color & border-color to buttons dynamically in angular
I have an array of colors,
colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'black']
Also, I have an array like this
demo = ['de1', 'de2', 'de3', 'de4', 'de5', 'de6', 'de7', 'de8', 'de9', 'de10', 'de11', ...
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Answers: 1