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mongoimport/mongoexport and timeseries
Do the mongoimport and mongoexport cli tools support the new timeseries collection type?
We are trying to exporting data from a timeseries collection:
mongoexport -h localhost --port=27018 --type=json...
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Answers: 0
mongoexport could not connect to server with username issue
mongoexport --host dbhost --port 27017 --db=mms-service --collection=document --type=csv --fields=_id --query='{}' --limit 10 --out exported.csv --authenticationDatabase admin
but i get...
teng huang
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Answers: 1
MongoExport: Can you query a field?
I am currently working on a solution using Mongo database.
We must use MongoExport for this one.
Is there a way to enhance my MongoExport command to include a filter on the fields?
For instance:
Valentin Nikolov
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Answers: 1
MongoDB sharded cluster : using a query option for mongoexport utility and mongo version V5.0.6
Using Windows 10 home CMD:
mongoexport --uri="mongodb+srv://" --username=quser --authenticationDatabase=admin --password=sample123 --collection=pReports...
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Answers: 0