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React Native: react-native-nfc-manager v3.13.2 doesn't have a handler for MifareIOS data type
I am working on an app, that reads a Firestore document id from the NFC card and displays the data contained by this document.
I have tested it on an Samsung J6 and an Oppo for Android and on an iPhon...
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Answers: 0
sendMifareCommand() API randomly returns various errors
To read from an Mifare Ultralight tag (NTAG I2C Plus), I'm using NFCMifareTag.sendMifareCommand method. It works most of the times, but I randomly get errors of type Tag Response Error / Tag No Respon...
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Answers: 0
How to edit access bits conditon in read only sector - Mifare Classic Tag
I inserted in the tag some data but I was wrong in defining the access bits.
To be more specific, the sector 3 now is a read only sector, is there a way to change them?
I can't attach the image, [so h...
Gaetano Cassano
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Answers: 2
C# Crc32 implementation
I´ve got the following example:
3D020000000F0000112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF - Crc32 Input
280ACDA5 - Crc32 Result
But with the following Calculators: sunshine2k and zorc.breitbandkatze I can´t rec...
Felix Arnold
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Answers: 1