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How to manage Mock<Imediator> to work as normal IMediator using MSTest
I am using Mock to establish the mediator variable in the controller via the test method.
But when the program encounters the mediator variable referring to mock the test case fails and as well no out...
Chiraag D
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Answers: 1
How to upload file to azure blob storage?
So I am tasked to create an endpoint that uploads file to Azure blob container. Here's my function app:
public async Task<IActionResult> Run(
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Entity Framework Core Generic method to get Id by identifier and vice-versa
In a .NET5 public web API project, I have many endpoints with many data models that include identifiers used as unique reference to the single entity itself and also as references to other related ent...
Cheshire Cat
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
Best Way to Manage Derived Properties
I have a couple custom NSManagedObjects that have various relationships between each other. Below is a very simplified example. In production there should ~10 instances of A, >= 10k instances of B,...
Austin E
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Answers: 0