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MassTransit unable to use IRequestClient - dependency injection issue
In the Startup.ConfigureServices I'm adding MassTransit configuration
services.AddMassTransit(config =>
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Answers: 1
Masstransit Consumer in .NET 4.8 Topshelf works only in Executable not in Service
we need to host a Masstransit RabbitMQ Consumer in a .NET 4.8 Windows Service.
We are using Dependency Injection and Topshelf to run, install and start the Service.
Running the Consumer as a Windows *...
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Answers: 1
Masstransit Jobconsumer change queue names Job, JobAttempt and JobType
I am building a proof of concept with masstransit, rabbitmq and the jobconsumers. It is very nice and I am making progress. But there is one thing I cannot solve, that is changing the queue names of t...
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Answers: 1
Problem mocking MassTransit method for testing
I'm writing a test for a Consumer using masstransit.
var _context = new Mock<ConsumeContext<AcionaMessageCommand>>();
_context.Setup(x => x.GetRedeliveryCount()).Returns(1);
when ...
Nivaldo Frigo
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