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Python3 unit tests for API
I could use some much needed guidance on unit tests for python3
All my files are in the same directory. No Sub folders.
Params is a class that gets initialized in the script. FILE 1 works fine connect...
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Answers: 1
Python mock not applied to object under test
I am attempting to mock an object to perform some testing
def test(mock_client_get_configuration):
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Answers: 0
MagicMock's reset_mock not properly resetting sub-mock's side_effect
I have a long-lived patch on a class, whose made instance undergoes multiple batches of assertions. Please see the below code snippet for the scenario.
It exposes (what I think is annoying) behavior ...
Intrastellar Explorer
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Answers: 1
How to magic mock long chained calls?
To test the following functino, I want to assert .filter() is called once with parameter filters.
def get_instances(session: boto3.session.Session, filters):
instances = session.resource('ec2').in...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1