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floor_date not working in mutate and ifelse
I am trying to write a generalize aggregation function where the user specifies the aggregation level or they can aggregate the data over all study dates. The floor_date only converts the first date. ...
Desi Middleton
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Answers: 1
Expand date in time series using years
I have the following time series
location date value
North 199001 a
North 199203 b
North 199402 c
North 199506 d
South 19...
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Answers: 1
Parsing one column with 5 didgits integers as date format while reading excel file
For an excel file (download from here):
df <- openxlsx::read.xlsx('sample_data.xlsx', sheet='Sheet1', colNames=TRUE)
date value
1 43861 5.70
2 43890 -13.89
3 43921 -49.68
4 43951...
ah bon
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Answers: 1
How to divide a date column in two columns only
I have a data frame containing 1 date column:
> head(df$date)
[1] "1952-02-03" "1958-02-08" "1958-02-08" "1958-02-08" "1965-02-07" "1966-03-03...
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Answers: 1