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Panel data regression comparison in Matlab
I have a very large panel data and would like to apply a number of simple machine learning techniques in Matlab (Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Bagged Trees).
During my preparation I came across...
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Answers: 0
Create a dummy variable indicating if an event occured the past 2 years
I have a longitudinal dataset where I want to create a column that indicates if an event occurred for an individual in the past two years (t-2). I've created toy data that share the main characteristi...
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Answers: 3
lme4 1.1-27.1 error: pwrssUpdate did not converge in (maxit) iterations
Sorry that this error has been discussed before, each answer on stackoverflow seems specific to the data
I'm attempting to run the following negative binomial model in lme4:
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Answers: 1
How to splice an existing date-bounded row of data into two new rows based on the date of a new variable?
In my longitudinal data set, each row represents a time period of observation for each person, and each row is bounded by a start and end date. The rows are numbered ('episode'), and contain many row-...
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Answers: 1