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Grafana Loki LogQL: How to parse log lines with different log formats?
We have different type of logs for one and the same application. Some are coming from our application which logs in a JSON format and others are different types of log messages.
For example these 3 lo...
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Answers: 0
sort nginx logs with loki logql against request_time field
this is my logql query
| json | http_host="" and request_time > 20 and status!="499"
| line_format "status={{.st...
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
How to sort 500-511 HTTP errors in a file produced daily on Grafana using Loki as Datasource
How to grep for only 500 errors (500-511) in a file that is created daily with date stamp in file name. These files are configured to be pushed by promtail agent to Loki server so I can visualize them...
Benze Lawerence
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Answers: 1
How to slice the string using logql?
I have values in my logs in grafana loki something like this
data 1234-02-01,12:30,1
data 1234-03-02,11:30,12
I am able to slice these values and separate date and time from this using trunc but I d...
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Answers: 1