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Algorithm to rank the simplicity of a random name
I have been looking for a name for a new project. I want the name to have available domains and social media handles. For months, all those I can think of are taken.
So I generated a list of names wit...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Tips for writing an algorithm for paraphrasing sentences(machine learning)
I am doing a project at the university and I need to train an algorithm to rephrase sentences, what can you advise for implementation? Is it possible to use a translator to translate into another lang...
Zaytsev Alexandr
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Relationship between vocab size and complexity
I have 2 corpuses, if one has a larger vocabulary size than the other, does it mean its language is more complex?
Apart from complexity of the language, what else can effect the size of the vocabulary...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Draw an FSA that recognizes: (A∗ | AB+). (The bar outscopes the other operators, so its equal to: (A∗) | (AB+).) Use as few states possible
I've attached what I have. My problem is that I don't know if its correct and if I've even used the fewest states possible to answer this question. Really appreciate any help on what I currently did w...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1