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In Interop.Excel, the Worksheet.SaveAs has a CSV option. How can I use this if my *.xlsx file has line feeds in some cells (Alt+Enter)
Writing a c# app to digest some old spreadsheets. When reading an Excel file that contains line feeds (by using Alt-Enter while in a cell), I can't seem to use "Worksheet.SaveAs" to save a ...
Mike McCoin
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Answers: 0
Newline character in HTML TextArea
With reference to the answers available under following question -
What character represents a new line in a text area
The newline character in a textarea should be CRLF though entering data in a text...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Java regexp to remove CRLF between quotes
I'm having a string containing CSV lines. Some of its values contains the CRLF characters, marked [CRLF] in the example below
NOTE: Line 1: and Line 2: aren't part of the CSV, but for the discussion
Hey StackExchange
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Answers: 1
How can I apply linefeed in XSL-FO?
After some tries I could not figure it yet, how / where should be write in a XML file:
<xsl:if test="//txtA/text() != '' ">
<fo:block xsl:use-attribute-sets="dossier.p&quo...
Mario P C
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Answers: 1