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Stemming and lemming words
I have a text document i need to use stemming and Lemmatization on. I have already cleaned the data and tokenised it as well as removing stop words
what i need to do is take the list as an input and r...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Make a custom lemmatizer dictionary from txt file
So I have the following txt file (lem_es.txt):
1 primer
1 primera
1 primeras
1 primero
1 primeros
comer coma
comer comais
The txt file starts with some numbers but then goes on with all the ver...
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
Transform a txt file to dictionary in Python
Assuming a following text file (lemma_es.txt) is present:
comer coma
comer comais
comer comamos
comer coman
The first column represents the lemma of the second column and the second column represe...
Votes: 0
Answers: 3
Create a new line if cells equals a value from a dataframe
Using this dataframe:
## doc_id paragraph_id sentence_id token_id token lemma upos xpos
## 1 doc1 1 1 1 Linguistics Linguistic NO...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1