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Multiple Data Frame Plot Custom Legend and X Axis Breaks?
The data is 1965-2019 Renewable Energy Vs Alternative Energy Sources. I have two issues I am trying to tackle here. I would like to 1) Add a custom legend signifying the two colors and naming them acc...
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Answers: 1
How to specify ggplot legend order when you have multiple variables that are not all part of one column?
I'm plotting the same data by different time scales (Week, Month, Quarter, etc.) using ggplot, and as a result, I'm pulling the data from different columns. However, when I see my legend, I want it to...
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Answers: 1
Is it Possible creating a Legend for non grouped data?
I want to obtain a plot that has a legend. In this legend, it shows the names n, and m which are in the dfRand their associated color. However, I have noticed this works only with groups, which is the...
Toy L
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Answers: 0
Remove a dark background from `geom_line` `ggplot2` legend
I am trying to build a plot with geom_rect and geom_line. I don't know how to remove dark color in the legend background after placing geom_line.
Here's my code
gp <- (gp
+ ggplot2::geom_re...
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Answers: 0