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How to make the kubernetes dashboard accessible through normal http?
I am struggling with this since basically WEEKS now... There is literally not one single example how to do this on the whole internet. Its actually quiet hilarious.
My dashboard deployment:
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Answers: 0
Access Kubernetes Dashboard using kubectl proxy remotly for multiple user
I have setup kubernetes cluster in EKS. API server access is in private mode. I have bastion host from which i can run kubectl commands. I want to access kubernetes dashboard remotly.
One thing i can ...
Akshay Gopani
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Answers: 0
How to access kubernetes microk8s dashboard remotely without Ingress?
I am new to Kubernetes and i am trying to deploy a MicroKubernetes cluster on 4 raspberry PIs.
I am struggling with setting up the dashboard since (no joke) a total of about 30 hours now and starting ...
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Answers: 1
IngressRoute for Kubernetes-Dashboard using Traefik
I'm moving my project to Kubernetes using Traefik for routing and MetalLB as my load balancer.
I've deployed several apps and I'd like to make use of official Kubernetes-Dashboard. So I deployed the K...
Michal Půlpán
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Answers: 2