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How to arrange BottomNavigationItems in Compose?
How can I arrange the two inner BottomNav Items so that they are not so close to the "+" FAB?
I tried surrounding the forEach which displays the Items with a Row and use the Arrangement mod...
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Answers: 2
Passing a pokemon name to pull out it's information from an API Endpoint in Jetpack Compose Navigation
I have created a Pokemon App with Jetpack Compose. I have two screens. One where the names of the pokemon is being displayed, and a second screen where the details of a selected pokemon will be shown....
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Answers: 0
Compose - NavHost recomposition multiple times
During navigation from Navhost, I found out that the composable screens are getting recomposition multiple times. Because of it, my ViewModel is calling API data source multiple times too.
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Answers: 2
Compose side effects + Jetpack navigation + onBackPressed = Stuck navigation
I am having this issue where I have to navigate when given state gets updated after an asynchronous task gets executed. I am doing it like this:
At ViewModel.kt
fun executeRandomTask() {
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Answers: 1