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ShowMaskOnFocus not working for input-mask in angular
I am using input-mask library and wanted to implement masking for time format. Which will accept integer numbers in HH:mm format so used this as below
timeInputMask = createMask({
mask: '[99:99]',...
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Answers: 1
React input currency mask
I have a currency input(euro), and i used the react input masking to correct the numbers while the user is typing, but how can i make the user able to type ','?He can type numbers and '.' only.
New React Developer
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Answers: 1
How to make Custom Input Mask to allow specific website in wp-form wordpress?
I have a wp-form with a website/url label, and I want user to insert URL's that end on .au only. I can't find the proper regex or format for input mask. User can input any form of character, letter or...
Novice JavaScript
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Updated: How do I call RobinHerbots inputmask from sitepage.master and into a childpage with UpdatePanel?
I have tried to make use of RobinHerbots InputMask and inherited the functionality in my ASPX's masterpage and it works nearly fine. But only on some of my child pages it works fine and shows the inpu...
Michael Eriksen
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Answers: 1