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In opencv-python Image stitching How to eliminate the foreground moving objects from multiple images
Assume I have two images (like panorama) and I need to stitch these images together but the moving foreground images of people should not be present in the result image.Only background info should be ...
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Unable to stitch images
I'm unable to stitch images, this is my code:
import cv2
stitcher = cv2.Stitcher_create(mode = 0)
foo = cv2.imread("./foo.png")
bar = cv2.imread("./bar.png")
result = stitcher.sti...
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Answers: 1
Couldn't find homography while image stitching
I am trying to stitch multiple images. At first 9 photo my code works well, when it comes to stitch one more couple images(left and right) it couldn't find any homography and returns an error message ...
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Compute Homography Matrix from Intrinsic and Extrinsic Matrices
I have Intrinsic (K) and Extrinsic ([R|t]) matrices from camera calibration. How do I compute homography matrix (H)?
I have tried H = K [R|t] with z-component of R matrix = 0 and updating H matrix su...
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Answers: 1