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Token doesn't get refreshed when sending request with Ajax
I'm using IdentityServer4 as a centralized auth server. I have a mvc app that acts as a client and works as expected unless I open a modal. When the user presses the edit button,I load the data into t...
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Answers: 2
Flutter App using flutter_appauth to Authenticate with IdentityServer4 Is Stuck in Endless Login Cycle
We are writing a new mobile app using Flutter. At the moment we are concentrating on Android and want to use IdentityServer4 to handle user authentication. We are new to both Flutter, and IdentityServ...
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Answers: 0
IdentityServer4 cannot configure certificate in code
I'm unable to use the builder methods AddDeveloperSigningCredential() or AddSigningCredential() to configure my certificate in code during app startup. If I keep the appsettings entry for Identity Ser...
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Answers: 1
Cookie not recognized when switched domain between app services
I'm going to move sso server application (ASP.NET CORE DOTNET 6) from app service APS1 located in service plan AP1 to new app service APS2 located in different service plan APS2 (can't use Change serv...
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Answers: 1