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How can I do to find which constraints identify the optimal vertex and which ones do not?
I have found the optimal and all the values of the variables, how can I do to find the constraints that make me the optimal vertex? Is there a method or something like that?
These are my constraints...
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Answers: 1
How to use Gurobi quicksum in Python
I am trying to figure out how to write this constraint for Gurobi in Python.
Is this the right way?
(gp.quicksum(a[i,r]*y[r] for i in range (len(n))) for r in range(len(R)))==1 ,...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How can I print base variables in Gurobi using java?
I have to print 1 if the variable is a based variable, otherwise 0. I try this but it doesn't work:
for(GRBVar var : model.getVars()){
double v = var.get(DoubleAttr.RC);
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Answers: 1
How can I insert this objective function with these constraints on gurobi using java?
obj function: min |Xij*Pij - Xik*Pik| (i=1..10, j=1..4, k=5..8)
Xij\<=Tij ∀i,j;
ΣXij*Cij\<=Bi ∀i;
ΣXij*Cij\>=0.02ΣBi ∀j;
ΣXij*Pij\>=S ∀i,j;
I try this but it do...
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Answers: 0