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tbl_merge from gtsummary package - Error: All objects in 'tbls' must be class 'gtsummary'
I'm trying to merge three regression tables (tbl_regression) using the tbl_merge function in the gtsummary package. I keep getting the error message: "All objects in 'tbls' must be class 'gtsumma...
Mathilde Storgård Bek
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Assign object name to different tbl_summary tables from lapply function
I would want to generate different tbl_summary tables from a loop(lapply function) over similar categorical variables (var1, var2, var3) applied to "by= " and assign each of them an object n...
Robert Serunjogi
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
tab_row_names does not accept helpers if gt table comes from gtsummary::tbl_summary
According to help pages , tab_row_names accept helpers to locate rows. Actually, it works with a gt table, but it does not work when the gt table comes f...
Jesus Esteban
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Answers: 0
gtsummary in Survey analysis (labels get lost when using subset function of survey)
Labels of variables (using Labelled package) do not carry over when subsetting the survey using (subset of Survey package), and I end up having to manually insert labels into the gtsummary function.
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Answers: 1