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PyQt5: TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag XXXXX (0xYYYY) encountered
I have the exact same problem as described under Python: TIFFReadDirectory warning: unknown field with tag: I get tons of annoying warnings from simply loading an image. The only difference is that I'...
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Answers: 0
Python: how to merge two different netCdf filles with different spatial resolution?
Is it possible to merge two netCDF files with different spatial resolution?
I have two datasets.
The first one is the ESA Land Cover dataset with a spatial resoltion of 300m as netCDF.
The first one i...
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Answers: 1
Extracting multiple .tiff files using a Shapefile
I have a folder named Mar22_073685 with 1372 tiff image . I need to crop these tiff files using a shapefile in another folder named 'Export_Output_2_Project.shp'. I am cropping these tiff files with t...
shravani banerjee
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Answers: 0