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Error while compiling c++ code in gcc compiler in macOS
I have been trying to setup a c++ code execution environment in my macOS. I am using sublime text editor. I have installed gcc compiler(v11) and then i have created a link to g++ that points to g++-11...
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In C++, is it defined behavior to initialize plain arrays with their own first few elements (that are initialized from outer source)?
In an auto-vectorized array initialization,
const float a[16]={
b[i+0],b[i+1],b[i+2],b[i+3], // normal initialization
// self-referencing for duplicated data
huseyin tugrul buyukisik
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Answers: 0
How to resolved undefined error to a function without adding static library path in eclipse(c,c++)
I have a function, e.g. add2num declared and defined in /dhaneesh/2021_pack/src/ path. I call the add2num function from /dhaneesh/new_pack/src/my_src.c. After compilation, it returns with error undefi...
Dhaneesh lal.D.R
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Answers: 1
After compiling and installing Python 3.9.2 on centos6.8, the library sqlite3 cannot be used
In centos6.8, I use the following command to install Python:
tar -zxf Python-3.9.2.tgz
cd Python-3.9.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python-3.9.2
make install
Then, start the Python command li...
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