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BTLE ServiceData is always null
I am working on a react-native Android app using react-native-ble-plx for BTLE support, and Windows 10 using the .NET API Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile for the GATT server/peripher...
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Flutter Blue characteristic length is limited
I am developing an app in flutter using flutter blue plugin where i am getting the data from a customized bluetooth low energy controller all the neccessary data is in characteristic of the property o...
Abid Hussain
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Answers: 0
Windows C# BLE connection stays open after process is killed
folks. I've got a BLE connection to a device, and I've discovered the services, characteristics, and descriptors, and I've registered for indications. All works fine.
While I'm receiving me indica...
John May
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Answers: 0
nRF52840 dongle Client and Server Coexistence
I am using a nRF52840 dongle for a BLE-based project. Is there a possibility that the dongle could work as both Client and Server?
That is, I would like the node to advertise and connect to a mobile p...
Ajeeth Chandrasekaran
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Answers: 1