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taking spark job thread dump
I am using spark-sql-2.4.5v with java8 in my application.
My application is failing due to OOM: Heap space issue
I am would like to take thread dump to analyze the GC logs.
But I am not sure where and...
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Answers: 0
High latency in elasticsearch as request volume decreases
I have a java application and elasticsearch with indices of size in order of 10 gig size.
There is strange scenario, which is during the night as request volume decreases response duration increases. ...
Mahdi Yusefi
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Answers: 0
ZGC out of memory error when moving from G1GC
I have an application in Java 17 configured like so:
-Xms4096m -Xmx4096m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m
It's a rather large web service that is pretty memory intensive over the years that's g...
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Answers: 0
c# 3d game garbage collection freezing
I’m currently developing a 3d multiplayer game in Monogame and noticing freezing every 5 seconds and quite allot of garbage collection. I’m trying to solve the issue by finding what creates garbage fo...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2