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SQL Cursor to join periods of dates into single row
My goal is to have a single row by id.
Now I have multiple rows like this for each one
For example user number 001 has this:
Ini Date
End Date
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Answers: 2
Check date split periods are continuous (and spotting the gaps)
I am struggling with a similar issue like in this thread:
Check date split periods are continuous
Can someone help me translate the Qsebas' answer to Presto language? As this is exactly what I'd like ...
Kamil Dworzecki
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 - T-SQL puzzle - overlapping date ranges in segregated rows - 'Gaps & Islands' problem
I have asked 'Gaps and Islands' questions in the past, but this one is significantly different. I have an interesting question in Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database, T-SQL language. (Refer to image f...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Finding a gap between timestamps (for multiple entries)
I have a table with a list of vehicles and timestamps of adding and deleting them from the database. A single vehicle can be added by more than one user, so there can be more than one row when a speci...
Kamil Dworzecki
Votes: 0
Answers: 0