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How to find the maximum of occurrences in a row in several text columns
I have a row with 4 columns. Each column has text. I need to find the text which occurs the most, hand have the number of times it appears.
Example input:
c1 |c2 |c3 |c4
AAA |B...
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Answers: 1
Equal frequency binning for circular data in R
I am trying to divide my wind direction data into four equal frequency bins, without having a fixed break at 0° / 360°.
I am aware of the equal_freq() function from the funModeling package, but this f...
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Answers: 0
Creating a function that generates freq.table
Consider this code:
iris %>% count(Species) %>% group_by(Species)
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# Groups: Species [3]
Species n
<fct> <int>
1 setosa 50
2 versicolor ...
Wais Doualeh
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Answers: 2
Variable frequency PWM on ESP32
I have been working on the following project that was created by Rui Santos and wanted to make some modifications.
ESP32 Web Server Slider
In the code the frequency is set constant and the duty cycle ...
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Answers: 2