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Is it possible to auto-retry firebase cloud-function deploys when doing a full deploy?
I have a large amount of cloud functions (150+) that need to be deployed. When i run the following: firebase deploy --only functions to do a full deploy i get the following message:
⚠ functions: too ...
Daniel Sedeniussen Valland
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Firebase Functions predeploy parsing error run lint
When i try to deploy my Firebase Functions it gets an parse error.
I am using cmd on Windows and i am coding in JavaScript.
A couple of days ago i deployed my Functions on Mac and it worked, today i w...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
what is the difference between "firebase login" and "firebase login:ci"?
When i login with firebase login:ci it returns a token, but when I login with firebase login it does not. What is the difference in other functionality?
Deployment works as expected using firebase log...
Vimal Swaroop J
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Firebase CLI using a wrong service account despite being logged in to another
I have recently started learning about building a serverless backend using Firebase for the cloud functions. I have been able to set up a Firebase project with some functions, which I would like to de...
Votes: 0
Answers: 0