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Mapbox "invalid location for binary target" error during Fastlane build resolving spm dependency
I'm receiving this error while xcode tries to resolve Swift Package Manager dependencies with these command:
xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme
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How to fix error: Could not compute signing task inputs - operation was cancelled?
I have a swift package manager project and I am trying to run unit tests with Fastlane on GitHub actions.
My fastfile looks like
desc('Unit test with spm')
lane :spm_test do
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Answers: 0
Azure Devops Apple App Store Release.Missing value for the attribute 'whatsNew'
I have tried to submit it for review and release it automatically to App Store Connect.
I used to Apple App Store Release stage from the marketplace. For Testflight upload, the bundle works as well. I...
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Answers: 3
Firebase App Distribution (fastlane plugin): could not generate credentials from the refresh token
The problem is I can not authorise in Firebase (App Distribution could not generate credentials from the refresh token specified). I got an error:
App Distribution could not generate credentials from ...
Pasha Oleynik
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Answers: 1