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How to get the last 12 months of Facebook page insights from their Graph API
I am trying to get the last 12 months of page insights data like unique. I am getting an array with the fields on the returned results, but it seems they are only for that day, or maybe I am mistaken;...
Michael Makina
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Permissions to get facebook page ID via API?
I need to get a Page ID from a page URL (ex:
Facebook API returns a message saying I need a permission (Page Public Metadata or Page Public Content access) that is only available t...
Ken Smith
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Automatically convert any given video to a format that can be posted on Instagram
Imagine I am given any video format, what is the most optimal way to convert the video to a format that can be posted on Instagram?
The video format must conform to this
Instagram Video Specifications...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Posting MP4 Videos to Instagram always returns error code 2207026
I posted an MP4 Video to instagram using the Facebook Graph API for Content Publishing with the below code, but for most of the time I'm getting back the error occurred 2207026 while checking the stat...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1