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Is there an R function that can plot the PACF() of an ARIMA model in the fable, feasts or fpp3 packages?
I am working with a tsibble created from a csv file and I have begun following along Rob Hyndman's fpp3 textbook creating ARIMA models with the fable package. My goal is to plot the PACF of the given ...
Daniel Lupercio
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Answers: 0
ARIMA Modeling running time issue
My data set is a weekly data that contains two variables Production and Shipment. Production is the independent variable and Shipment is the dependent variable. First I'm trying to forecast Production...
Arvind Menon
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Answers: 0
How to specify annual seasonality for an ARIMA model of fable
I am having trouble specifying seasonality in an ARIMA model of the fable package. I have a dataset with daily data and want to take into account annual seasonality. I make use of the Daily Electricit...
David W.
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Answers: 1
Automatic ETS from fable package in R does not provide the model with the lowest Information Criteria (AIC, BIC and AICc)
Using the classic shampoo dataset from fpp2 I tried to fit an automatic ets model. This led me to an ETS(A,A,N) framework with aic = 441.0668, bic = 448.9844 and AICc = 443.0668. Nevertheless when usi...
Andre Gutierrez
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Answers: 1