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Why is my react-native app terminating in the background while recording (iOS, RN 0.63.3, Expo-Av 9.2.3)
I'm having an issue in my React Native app where audio recordings are sometimes mysteriously terminated while the app is in the background.
This happens only in ~1/10 user sessions after variabl...
Jake Cronin
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Answers: 1
Play vimeo in expo-av
Learning app and i want to play the video's with expo-av
All our videos are on vimeo but i cant get it to work in expo-av
when i past the link in the source it's not working.
so what i have done is in...
Sander van Maastricht
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
How can i stop the sound on Expo-AV REACT NATIVE
I'm using this function for the play sound files. I want the sound to stop when I click the button
function playSound(){
{ shouldP...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
HLS Playlist issue "Unable to instantiate decoder OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC" React native video player
I try to play HLS video in flatlist in that some video play and some video through Unable to instantiate decoder OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.AVC , Same video after closing and reopen the app its play good, ...
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Answers: 0