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Ctrl-C for exit the program isn't working without enter
I was using Runtime -> addShutDownHook for closing application.
It works with an enter, but only typing ctrl+c doesn't do it's job. Is it because I opened scanner at the beginning of the class? Wha...
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Answers: 1
Cannot stop BASH when using of && and || operators
I would like to stop my BASH if the commands have any errors.
make clean || ( echo "ERROR!!" && echo "ERROR!!" >> log_file && exit 1 )
But seems like my BASH...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
How to close an executable on Python like clicking on exit button
I will explain my problem :
For an application for my system I would like to know how to close an executable, like clicking on the pushbutton exit in the top rigth, as usual. Context :
From a script p...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
C, How to use exit code properly?
When I try to submit my work, the system told me to use the exit code. When I use return 0 and recheck, the system told me to use return 1...
:) caesar.c exists. ...
An Dy Andy
Votes: 0
Answers: 2