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What does the "?" operator do in Elixir?
The Ecto source code makes use of expressions ?0, ?1, etc. You can see how they evaluate:
iex(14)> ?0
iex(15)> ?1
iex(16)> ?2
What does that mean though? This is very hard to sear...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Faulty nesting in .heex
While converting old .eex into .heex I stumbled upon this code which uses TailwindCSS to display zebra style table rows:
<%= for {language, counter} <- Enum.with_index(@languages) do %>
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Elixir not giving responce of list_to_bin?
|> Enum.reject(fn x -> x == 0 end)
|> :binary.list_to_bin()
Getting error
Need binary Data. If I am using under 255 d...
Nitin Kumar Dwivedi
Votes: 0
Answers: 3
Deploying Elixir Docker to Heroku. Can't set long node name
I'm trying to deploy a Dockerfile to Heroku and when the app starts, it immediately crashes with this error:
=INFO REPORT==== 2-Apr-2022::16:20:30.959748 ===
Can't set long node name!
Please check you...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2