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Reset figure numbering for each <part>/<chapter> in an pdf2 XSL:FO(FOP) deliverable
I'd like to reset figure numbering for each <part>/<chapter> element in a <bookmap>. I found, but this did not help me. In topic.xsl there is this statemen...
Stefan Jung
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Answers: 1
Arabic text corrupted in PDFs with DITA OT 3.7.1
We had an issue with generating Arabic text in PDFs with DITA OT and FOP. If you read Arabic, you'll know that the words are not correctly formed with the proper intermediate letter forms and connecti...
Matthew Stern
Votes: 0
Answers: 0
In dita-ot is it possible to integrate into a feature extension for a specific transtype only?
Specifically, I have a custom dita-ot xhtml plugin which uses the <feature extension="dita.xsl.xhtml" file="xsl/header.xsl"/> to integrate into the xhtml pipeline. But this e...
Votes: 0
Answers: 2
Pass Command Line arguments to Apache Ant build file from DITAOT custom plugin
I am trying to build a very basic custom html5 plugin for dita-ot. Below is my current setup. Here is my plugin.xml file.
<plugin id="html5-test" version="3.6.1">...
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Answers: 2