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How to update ancestor state from deeply nested child component without reducers
I have a react app with a structure similar to the code below (but more complex). In reality, all I am changing is the data in the grandchild component ( in this example). However, I ha...
Kingsley CA
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Answers: 1
How do I achieve this curry function "add" with square bracket notation?
My friend sent this picture to me, shows the function add that can chain numbers indefinitely, then output the sum.
I was thinking of using Proxy to add key numbers together and rewrite its
Hao Wu
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Curry generic function with Ramda and Typescript
I have a generic function:
function hello<T>(n: number, s: string, thing: T): Array<T> {
return [thing]
const result = hello(1, 'string arg', 'generic arg')
result has type string[] ...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Curried function seems not typesafe with Typescript and ramda
I have a function:
function myFunction(n: number, s: string, n2: number): boolean {
throw ''
I partially call it using ramda 0.27.1:
const curriedStringNon = curry(myFunction)(123, 'string')
Votes: 0
Answers: 1