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Max and Group by functions in SQL Server
my sql got a bit rusty and I was wondering if there is a simple solution for my ask. I'm trying to get two unique UUIDs with with MAX ModifiedTime. Below is my code that I tried to simplify as much as...
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Answers: 3
How to get rows having maximum occurrence using SQL
I have a participant table:
I have written a CTE which gives the following table:
CTE code:
with cte as
select t.per1,t.per2,t.met1,concat(t.per1,t.per2) concated from
select p1.person_id per1, ...
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Answers: 1
ParseException: SQL CTE
result = aml_identity_g.connectedComponents()
conn_comps ="id", "component",'type') \
Which crea...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Error in SQL statement: ParseException: SQL CTE
create table temptable
with dupes as
(select component, count(case when type = 'Person' then 1 end) person_ct from components
group by component
having person_ct...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1