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How to prevent R from inserting newline character when coercing long formula to character?
I am using missRanger::missRanger that coerces a formula into it's character components, similar to this:
x1 <- as.character(as.formula(paste(paste(rep('foo', 84), collapse=' + '), '~ .')))[[2]]
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
(R) Question regarding type coercion when converting a data frame to a matrix in R
apologies for the rather rudimentary questions, but I haven't been able to easily find any answers, and also just want some solid confirmation on things.
I have a data frame which contains numeric, fa...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
Unable to coerce during `DerivingVia` when using optics types like `Prism'`
I'm unable to automatically derive instances using DerivingVia on any type that uses types from optics-core like Prism'; the error I get from compiler is:
src/Main.hs:24:13-19: error:
• Couldn't m...
Sridhar Ratnakumar
Votes: 0
Answers: 1
How does destructuring of borrowed data work at compile time?
I've been using destructuring to create references into nested data, just for practice. I created a method that uses destructuring to break apart a borrowed tuple:
fn print_strings((x, y): &(Strin...
Votes: 0
Answers: 1